Sunday, October 7, 2007

Phyl & Lew at Thanksgiving

Hi To All !

We are spending a quiet weekend at home this year, and will have Phyl's Mom, Ella, and Aunt Florence over for dinner on Monday night.

The weather turned nice today, so we did a lot of outside work in the yard and garden. Dug up the last of the carrots and beets. Although we have had a couple of nights with some frost, our lupins are still blooming, along with the petunias and some pansies. I have photos to prove same !!!

Phyl couldn't keep her hands off the rototiller, and tilled away for about an hour and a half. She is going to be a tired puppy later tonight ! I did some outside work, helping Phyl when required, and tightened down the screws in our front deck. Then I spent a couple of hrs in the shop manufacturing doors for the basement vanity that we are constructing. Lots of fun ! After supper, Phyl made salsa using our yellow tomatoes. Looks weird, but tastes great ! But next yr, I suspect that we will not plant yellows again. They are a bit mushy !

Now a word from Phyl -

Hello everyone. I spent three days in Annaheim again this week! Yes, I go to Annaheim every couple of weeks for two or three days. Now that you're all envious, just check your map and look for Annaheim, Saskatchewan! Population 35 on a good day.

I started working for a semi trailer manufacturing firm in mid-July. My job is "Compensation and Benefits Specialist" which is just a fancy name for doing the payroll and making sure everyone is on company pension and health benefits. Anyway, the company originated in Annaheim, so the main plant and office are out there. It is about an hour and a half drive from here. I work in their Saskatoon office, only 4 minutes' walk from our house, so most days I'm not on the road. I have only a half hour lunch break, but I still get to walk home for lunch! Couldn't make it if I didn't have Lew prepping my gourmet balogna sandwiches! Well, no, really, he usually has some homemade borscht or sauerkraut soup or something equally good.

The job is not the greatest, but it will do just fine for a couple of years. Then I will join all the rest of the lucky people who don't have to say that nasty four-letter word, "WORK".

Hope all of you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I guess, when you look around, we really do have a great deal to be thankful for. We all have food and shelter, and I haven't noticed any bullets whizzing past my head lately. I have a very special partner who has made me thankful for his companionship and love. I'm also thankful for my two wonderful daughters and their fiancees. Lindsay, myyoungest, is bringing her fiancee home from Finland next June and we are going to have their wedding in our back yard. So that is something to be quite excited about. My oldest, Leslie, and her fiancee are house shopping in Montreal and, of course, Lew and I are trying hard not to give too much advice.

That's it for now. Love to all of you,

Phyl and Lew

Friday, October 5, 2007

Update from Saskatoon

Hi To All!

Just a short update. I've had a swelling in my shoulder/neck area since late July. Ultra sound tests indicated some form of malignant mass in that area. Had a surgical biopsy 2 wks ago. Prognosis is some form of lymphoma. I'll get a more definitive answer next week.

Phyl is well, although her new job is a bit of a bore. Not enough for her to do at present. This should change as the payroll person at the main plant is leaving, and the main payroll function will shift to Saskatoon. Phyl is interviewing candidates for payroll clerk. So far, no good ones have put in applications. Too much economic growth in Saskatoon lately, and good workers are hard to find.

Our garden produced lots of tomatoes, carrots, and potatoes, but very few green and red peppers. Those plants grew very large, but for some reason did not produce much in the way of fruit. Same with the zucchinis and cukes.

Work on the house reno continues inspite of the problems with my shoulder and left arm. Still lots to do to finish the basement bathroom as I have to build a very custom vanity cabinet to suit the space. But, I've got that underway, and hope to have it finished by the 18th as we will have house guests for a week starting on that date.

That's it for now.

Love to all !
