Thursday, March 11, 2010

To Phoenix and Back

Thanks again to Carolyn and Gary for hosting us on our 5-day holiday in Casa Grande. The weather Gods did not hear our plea for heat and calm, but the vacation was great nevertheless. It was great to meet the Kirkwood's, and for me to meet Sue and Rob after hearing so much about all of them. The trips to the Flea Market, Savers, Saguara National Park, and even the Golf course were memorable. We managed to get all the "bargains" home safely last night. Today has been a catch up day of pulling stuff out of the suitcases, doing laundry, and reading all the papers and mail that arrived in our absence.

The cat was glad to see us home, even though "Grandma" had done a wonderful job of keeping her bowl full and letting her in and out in our rather balmy weather. It feels warmer here today at +5 with no wind, than it did on the golf course on Tuesday! Oh, well, that is an adventure to remember.

Starting tomorrow it's back to the treadmill and the gym to grind off the extra pounds that always come with a vacation. Then into the Bridge for Lew and the Choral work for me. I'm looking forward to the end of May when all my "responsibilities" are done and I can puddle in the garden at my own pace. Hopefully I'll have sense enough to say "no" to any volunteer positions and become entirely my own boss!

Had a taste of the Saguaro honey this morning, and it isn't a whole lot different from regular Canadian clover/alfalfa honey, but quite nice anyway.

All for now. Safe driving for all the RVer's as they head back to their respective lodgings next month.