Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year



The first day of 2010 has passed, and so far it's been a very good year! We awoke this morning in the all-season Hawood Inn at Waskesiu, Sk. after a wonderful New Year's Eve party in the dining hall. After having breakfast, we meandered down the "Scenic route" in the minus 32 weather. However, as we reached Saskatoon, the wind changed and was coming from the Southeast--hopefully a harbinger of better weather tomorrow.

Christmas was special this year. We had Leslie and Trevor home for four days, and it was great to have "kids" here for the holidays. They arrived late on the 23rd and were ready to chow down on a dinner of ham, homemade cabbage rolls, homemade sauerkraut perogies, and homemade Saskatoon pie.

Our main Christmas dinner was on the 24th so we cooked up a major feast for ourselves, the kids, and the two "little old ladies". The day was laid back and quiet. The most exciting activity was doing a jigsaw puzzle late into the night.

Next morning we popped over to Grandma's house for a brunch of tortiere, then off we went to the cabin in the bush. Roads were good, but temperatures were cold. We arrived there about 4:00 p.m. and got the fires stoked. Lew attempted to get the quads and the snow mobile running, but didn't have a lot of success. So we spent the evening chewing on leftovers and playing cards. It was toasty and warm and we all enjoyed our rum and eggnog in the glow of the lights from our forest-cut Christmas tree.

Boxing Day was bright and sunny and not quite so cold, and the men got all the machines going. Leslie and I went for a long walk around the subdivision before packing on all our extra clothing and joining the guys on a trek by skidoo and quad into the woodlands. We hoped to see some wildlife, but there was nothing but a lot of tracks. (Tracks don't make good soup.)

That evening we ate up another round of leftovers before the men went out for a night-time ride. There was just enough moon so that they could travel without lights. It is almost surreal when you can get away from the ambient light of the city, sit on the quad in the silence of the wilderness and breath in the quietness. I think this was the hi-lite of Trevor's visit.

Next morning we packed up and headed out of the bush toward Winnipeg. Trevor's Mom and sisters were anxiously awaiting their guests, and all of us were feeling the need of a nice, warm shower. We dropped the kids with Trev's Mom, gave them our hugs and kisses and relinquished them to his family for their four days. A quick stop at the motel to shower, shave, etc. and have a bite to eat, then we were off to Betty's for a few hours visiting.

We were lucky to have time with Gord and Sharon, Erin and Brian, David and Michelle and their little ones Lachlan and Taylor. Mustn't forget the bulldog cross "Marley", and of course Betty's lab "Toby".

Next morning we popped up to Deer Lodge for some time with Auntie Merle. She was surprised to see us, and we had a great time with her. She is just in fine form, and was so excited about having been "home" for a few hours on Christmas Day. Her family it to be applauded for making her outing possible. She certainly enjoyed it.

While we were visiting, Kathy and Bruce arrived and had pictures of Bobby's wedding to show. The marriage took place on Boxing Day at the Air Force Base in Winnipeg, and the bride and groom made sure to go to Deer Lodge in full wedding attire to show Aunt Merle.

We look forward to the annual trek to Winnipeg in early February to celebrate Merle's 101st! We have several minutes of video from our recent visit with her and will try and share it if we can figure out how to compress it and get it onto the airwaves. All this technology is a bit mind-boggling. Thankfully we can always ask for help from Gary.

So that's a recap of our past couple of weeks. We are anxiously awaiting our trip to Phoenix in March to meet up with Carolyn and Gary and get some sun and warmth. Best wishes to everyone for the coming year. May your cup run over with good health and prosperity.
Phyllis and LEW

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