Monday, December 24, 2007

T'was the Night before Christmas

Hi To All

So, where is everyone's Xmas blog/letter ? Phyl and I are starting to feel like mushrooms !

Latest on Lew's health - the operation on the 18th turned out to be a needle biopsy of the mass hidden under my left shoulder blade. Should know the result some time in mid January.

Tis the season for Xmas concerts - We've been to a couple this season, and enjoyed them very much. Saskatoon has some great choirs that put on fabulous performances at this time of year. The Fireside Singers were exceptionally good this year! We also saw a great performance of The Beauty and the Beast at our new Persephone theatre. Top notch professional performance with mostly local talent.

We are having a couple of Phyl's friends over for dinner tonight, along with her Mom and Aunt Florence. Then tomorrow we have a quiet Xmas, probably by ourselves, and then a big dinner on the 26th. The reason for this is Phyl's daughter, Leslie, is flying in from Montreal on the 26th., and is staying with us for a few days. I'm doing a ham dinner tonight, and the complete turkey thing on the 26th. Phyl is helping a bit as well. She is in charge of the desserts.

So, everyone get busy and blog - and we can all wish each other a very Merry Christmas, and the best of New Years.

Love to all,

Phyl and Lew

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