Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Still Waiting

Hi To All,

Here is the latest news on Lew's health situation

The results of the needle biopsy are not conclusive, but do suggest some form of fibromatosis, which is a non-malignant form of tumour. Two pathologists have examined the biopsy, and have slightly differing opinions, but both lean towards the fibromatosis theory. It appears to be inter-twinned into the muscle tissue, so immediate surgery has been ruled out. My surgeon is scheduling me for a MRI to see if they can make a more definitive diagnosis and then recommend some form of treatment. He will also refer me to the local cancer clinic for a possible program of radiation treatment to shrink the mass. Not likely they will try chemo, just radiation.

Still having trouble sleeping due to the chronic pain in the shoulder/arm area which may not have any connection to the above problem.

That's all for now

Best to all !

Phyl & Lew

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